Subtle Signs of Attraction | Signs to Look for When Dating a Latina

It can be hard to tell whether a woman is interested in you or not. Unless she spells it out for you, her attraction towards you or the lack thereof is something you will have to figure out on your own.
However, some women give out subtle hints that if you pay enough attention it will give away their true feelings. This is especially true when you’re dating a Latina.
Latinas like Colombian girls are more modest and restrained in terms of showing their attraction to the opposite sex. If you expect them to just splatter the writings on the wall, you’d be wrong. They try to maintain a fair amount of mystery with regard to how they feel.
In order to figure this out, you not only have to observe her body language but also her appearance. That isn’t to say that you should only go for attractive Colombian women, but if she puts some effort into her appearance, it’s possible she wants to make a good impression. With that said, here are the more specific signs to look out for:
- She preens every now and then
- She makes eye contact.
- She finds excuses to touch you.
- She asks personal and probing questions.
When she combs her hair with her fingers, twirls a lock around her finger, or even adjusts her clothes every once in a while, then she’s preening. If she’s conscious of how she looks in front of you, you should definitely take that as a sign of interest.
A dismissive woman is indicative of a girl who may not be as interested in you as you’d want her to be. If she is not as engaging or only provides one-word answers, she probably won’t give you the time of day. However, an attentive woman is definitely interested. The most telling sign is if she looks you in the eye most of the time. And if she holds your stare for however long, then she’s probably attracted to you.
Normally, men tend to initiate physical contact while women either shy away or accept. However, women do the same thing but not as overtly as men do. One of the subtle ways they initiate physical contact is to make it seem like an accident. That isn’t to say that all accidental touches are flirty.
To know whether her touches are flirtatious or not, you’ll have to take note of the instances when she does. Do your wrists or elbows touch even when you aren’t in a crowded room? Does she hold on to you for balance even where there are other structures that could support her? How often do these “accidents” occur? Think about that and you might just get the bigger picture.
The subjects of your conversations can also help you figure out if she’s attracted to you or not. Does she ask for your opinion? And does she listen to them earnestly? How many personal questions has she asked you? Aside from her questions, you should also observe how she segues to other topics. For instance, does she casually mention anything about future dates as if they were inevitable? Clues like those can really go a long way.
All these signs could help you gauge your date’s emotions, especially during the crucial early stages of dating a Latina. Aside from learning her feelings, you can also tell when you need to move on to someone else if she doesn’t display any of these gestures. And it just might help you in marrying a Colombian woman. But the point is that these pieces of dating advice could help you understand her better.