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What Impresses Colombian Girls on First Dates?

girl leaning on a fence Learn how to impress Colombian girls on the first date! | Photo by kevin Londoño on Unsplash

It's usually easy to attract a girl on a first date, as long as you're being your charming self.

Nevertheless, not everyone is a smooth talker, and pretty girls will leave even the most courageous man speechless. It's difficult to woo Colombian girls, who are among the most beautiful women on the planet, if you're the sort to flee at the sight of a cute smile.

Enable yourself to unwind. This dating thing isn't for everybody. We will all benefit by attempting to learn from others' experiences and ensuring that we stay true to ourselves throughout the date.

If you've already gone out to meet Colombian women and secured a date, make sure you and your lady friend have a good time, okay?

Now it's up to you to make the best first impression possible!

1. Relax When It Comes To "The Interview"

Although it's admirable that you're not expecting the discussion to end in the middle of dinner, it'll still be off-putting if you ask her questions like an investigative reporter.

The best way of impressing girls on first dates is casually asking a question. Enable her to respond, then follow up with a few more questions as long as she remains interested in talking about it. Avoid asking a series of rapid-fire questions, as this could backfire.

2. Your Phone Manners

Nothing ruins a first date faster than checking your text messages or interrupting them to take a call while they're talking. If you can't keep your phone in the car, put it on vibrate in your pocket.

It's worth noting that even though you set it to vibrate, it can still be irritating to hear. The continuous buzz during a dinner date can ruin the mood and is not how to win a girl over on a first date. No girl in the world, not just Colombianas, loves this, so put your phone away whenever you meet Latin women for a date.

man texting in a cafe Give your date a good time by ignoring your phone during dinner. | Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

3. Don’t be a bore

Don't be dull; instead, learn to ask good questions that keep the conversation lively. You are not interviewing anyone for the purpose of recruiting them, and this lovely lady would not be your personal assistant.

Ask her some interesting questions about her life and work. Find out about her interests and what she enjoys doing in her spare time, activities that make her genuinely happy and can be used to further the conversation.

Everyone enjoys talking about topics that they are passionate about, so see what she enjoys talking about and go from there. You'll be shocked by how much information about her life you'll find fascinating..

4. Negativity must be avoided at all costs.

Since you're from various parts of the world, there's a risk you'll unintentionally get into conversations about religion and politics. A word of advice: DON'T DO IT.

On a first date, you should avoid having that kind of conversation. It shouldn't even come up until you're on the verge of marriage, because by then, at the very least, you're talking about making adjustments to be together. But what about a first date? Don't bring up something too serious.

You may disagree with her political views or even the best kind of pasta, but keep your critical remarks to yourself. It's cool to disagree, but going on a full-fledged crusade to prove your point won't go over well with your date.

That does not sit well with beautiful Colombian women.

5. Gentlemanship Is Required

Do remember to be a gentleman. Remember what your parents told you about how to handle women when you're trying to date and woo this girl. Take note of the subtle moves that will win you bonus points before you even decide where to go on a first date with a girl, such as:

a couple on a date in a restaurant Beautiful Colombian women appreciate a gentleman. | Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

6. You Should Be Yourself

We hear "just be yourself" all the time, so it feels cheesy to say it again. But, if it's been said too many times, doesn't that mean it's true?

No one appreciates a liar or a pretender. It doesn't take a genius to find out that pretending to be someone else just to appear sexy and cool on the first date is a bad idea, whether it's American girls, Colombians, or Asians.

Simply unwind and be yourself. Your date is clearly here as a result of something you're already doing. Maybe it was your looks, maybe it was your sense of humor, maybe it was something else. But the truth is that she came because you piqued her interest.

Don't try to impress her by pretending to be someone else; at best, she'll buy into your false identity, and you'll be stuck pretending to be someone you're not every time you're around her.

Doesn't it sound exhausting?

In the worst-case scenario, she sees right through your act — or actually dislikes this version of you — and refuses to go on another date with you.

7. Don't Be Too Open, But Don't Be Too Closed, Either

When they ask you questions, these ladies will appreciate your sincerity. If both parties are being open to each other, dates seem to become extremely warm and fruitful.

However, bear in mind that certain issues might be best addressed at a later time.

Confessing you just got out of a bad breakup that landed you in a therapist's office, or that you lost your work, are issues better addressed at a later date, if it comes to that.

Tell her how much fun you had.

Whether or not this is right, it is still a gentlemanly way of telling your date that you enjoyed her company. And if it turns out to be real, all the more reason to tell her how much you enjoyed her company.

This will most definitely lead to a second date.

Go ahead and make the first step now that you know how to date Colombian girls! Good luck on your first date and have a good time.

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